Bibong Elementary School in Ochang, South Korea.

I know I’m not supposed to take it personally when kids run away, screaming, after I say "hello". But, I can’t help if I feel like some sort of space creature when it happens. Apart from said scream-and-runs, I’ve been getting a lot of “wows” and “oohs”, waves and stares, or kids just think I look like David Beckham.

This week I’m introducing myself to 22 classes filled with third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade elementary students. So far sessions have gone well. It’s the reactions I’ve been getting outside the classroom that make me feel like a fireworks display.

Bibong Elementary School in Ochang, South Korea.
The front of Bibong Elementary in Ochang, Korea. August, 2011.
Lunch was a zoo yesterday. It seemed as though the entire school watched as I used chopsticks to pick at my cafeteria squid and kimchi. And as if watching me eat with chopsticks wasn’t entertaining enough, I’m sure seeing my sweat-soaked shirt was. Reminder: Invest in undershirts.

Even during breaks, kids have been jumping and/or peeking through cracks to see inside the English department’s office. Is this what it feels like to be a famous soccer player? Suddenly, I’m having flashbacks to signing autographs in Hong Kong.

To be honest, I’m just as thrilled to see them (if not more so). Everything is new and exciting for me as well. But, I’m trying really hard to contain my excitement. Can you imagine how a student would react if I started chasing them down the hall? Perhaps this should be my ‘small success’ for today.

Ooh! Ah! Eee! Oh, life in South Korea. I love it.


  1. Reading this made me smile a lot. Children's (and adults'!) curiosity is universal, it seems. I would advise against chasing them down the hallway though...they might think it's a fantastic game and force you to repeat it daily for the rest of the year.

    Very much enjoying reading about your adventures, friend!

    1. Thanks for riding along! Your advice is very appreciated as well, Rena. Please keep it coming. I'll refrain from chasing kids... At least for now. ;)

  2. I love reading this. Its like we are there experiencing this new life of yours alongside you....thank you:)

    1. Thank you for joining, Diya!


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