My life in Korea is definitely epic. Not a day goes by without some sort of grand adventure to be had. Such is the life of a world wanderer, a cross-cultural traveler. There’s never a dull moment.
Recently, I created a video about my life as an English teacher in South Korea. As part of a contest sponsored by EPIK (English Program in Korea), it was meant to highlight aspects of my life in and out of the classroom.
I wasn’t even going to enter the contest. Then I read an article about someone who decided to create a video for a competition just a few days before the deadline, and ended up winning!
The article discussed that gut feeling we often get when something deep inside us tries to send a message. Some people call it instinct. I agree. No matter what my head thinks, or my heart feels, my stomach is what calls the shots. I got that strong gut feeling about submitting an entry. So, that’s exactly what I did. I threw together my video just days before the due date.
I planned, filmed, interviewed, narrated, and edited all six minutes of it in four days. Somehow I managed to do so at the end of a busy week of teaching, and during a weekend getaway to Incheon and Pyeontaek. Needless to say I didn’t sleep much. More like I didn’t sleep at all.
I planned, filmed, interviewed, narrated, and edited all six minutes of it in four days. Somehow I managed to do so at the end of a busy week of teaching, and during a weekend getaway to Incheon and Pyeontaek. Needless to say I didn’t sleep much. More like I didn’t sleep at all.
Even though it almost killed me, and those around me got to experience the wrath of Chase on a project binge, it must have been fate for me to see that article. I found out earlier this week I won the grand prize of close to $500 (USD)! I feel so fortunate, so blessed!
The video will be posted on EPIK’s website for recruitment purposes, and may be used during future orientations and training events. I’ll get to accept my award from Chungbuk’s Governor of Education at an upcoming End of the Year Banquet as well. What an honor!
All the added stress was worth it in the end, as my video turned out to be one of the best projects I’ve ever put together. My students and co-teachers were very helpful. It was fun to get so many of them involved too. This video is something I’ll cherish forever. It perfectly documents my life at the moment, and all those who have changed it. I'm so thankful.
Bravo! Proud of you!
ReplyDeleteJoy, thank you so much!