Someday I will get my act together, and get out of debt. Someday I will follow my budget, and stop spending money carelessly.
But some days these things happen. And someday these some days will remind me of what it was like to fully live, let go, and learn.
JOIN CHASE: Setting Goals
Someday I won’t have to live from paycheck to paycheck. Someday I won’t run out of money ten days before payday.
Someday eating chocolate powder with honey, and instant coffee for dinner isn’t going to be an option. Someday borrowing money from a friend to fund my next trip isn’t going to be a necessity.
But some days these things happen. And someday these some days will remind me of what it was like to fully live, let go, and learn.
The most dangerous risk of all – the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself freedom to do it later.
– The Monk And The Riddle
JOIN CHASE: Setting Goals
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